Showing category "Emotions" (Show all posts)

How to Manage your Stress

Posted by Anne-Marie Hearne on Tuesday, November 20, 2012, In : Emotions 
Read Stress Cause and Effects

We are constantly bombarded with tips and advice on how to manage stress in order to live a stress free life. They range from exercise, diet, yoga, meditation to sleep and the list is endless. Whilst these may help to alleviate the symptoms they do not get to the root cause of stress.Understanding the cause of your stress is vital if you want to be able to manage it effectively.When you understand the cause you can then take action to either avoid, reduce or chang...

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Stress-Cause and Effects

Posted by Anne-Marie Hearne on Tuesday, October 23, 2012, In : Emotions 
In today's busy world stress is a familiar word on everyone's lips.It is not uncommon to hear 'I am stressed out' or 'I have been under a lot of stress recently'. Whilst we use the word frequently do we really understand the impact and meaning of the word stress. Perception, understanding and experience of stress can vary and differ from one person to the next and as a result it is difficult to define stress. Something that everyone who feels stressed has in common is the feeling of not being...

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The Inner Critic- Part 2 . A Major Component of Depression and Anxiety

Posted by Anne-Marie Hearne on Thursday, August 16, 2012, In : Emotions 

How to deal with your Inner Critic 

You may read or hear that you need to fight against your inner critic in order to gain control of it, but you don’t. In fact it is the last thing that you need to do because fighting against it will only make it stronger Initially it will work and silence the inner critic but as the inner critic is powerful in the dark (not in one’s conscious awareness), it will either spill out unknown to you or it will come back much stro...

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The Inner Critic-A Major Component of Depression and Anxiety

Posted by Anne-Marie Hearne on Tuesday, August 14, 2012, In : Emotions 
The Inner Critic –A Major Component of Depression and Anxiety

The Inner Critic is a major component in depression, eating disorders, anxiety, self-harm, low confidence, low self-esteem etc. and yet it is not really talked about to any great extent.  Everyone has an inner critic. For some it is extremely harsh, judgemental and critical and it is so ingrained that it feels like second nature. It can be a real obstacle in feeling good about oneself and one’s achievements or in achieving oneâ€...
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Posted by Anne-Marie Hearne on Sunday, December 4, 2011, In : Emotions 

Anger is a normal emotion. It is a very powerful emotion and when used constructively can have a very positive impact. It is a primary emotion and its purpose is to protect us against perceived threat in that something or somebody who can harm us or take something   away from us. It can be seen as a barometer that tells us something does not feel right for us such as an injustice, an abuse of power, manipulation etc. and that we need to do something about it.  Anger can range from feelings of...

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To talk with Anne-Marie on any of the issues raised in the blog call 01 2147613

Over 14 years of experience working with clients in a professional counselling and psychotherapy setting. I have worked on a wide range of issues with individuals, male and female, of all ages coming from many different cultures and backgrounds. My approach is very down to earth and integrative which means that I draw on different models of therapy and use whichever one or combination is best suited to the individual. To speak to Anne-Marie confidentially call 01-2147613 or email